Your feedback makes us glow!
We are passionate about creating products that will benefit YOU, our community. We develop products our customers frequently ask for, and improve our products based on the feedback we get.
That's why we created the product test panel!
As a member of the test panel, you'll get exclusive access to Clay and Glow's newest products, before they even launch. You'll be asked to test them out, give your honest opinion, and share your experience.
Join the Product test panel
How to join
Fill in the form to sign up and share some some contact and personal data, such as your full name, email address and of course your skin concern(s).
Join The PanelHow to join
Based on your data we can review if you match our specific testers profile. When we're a match, we will send you an email. We make a careful selection, so you always receive a product that fits your skin!
Join The PanelHow to join
You will receive an email when you are selected, reply to that email as quick as possible. Per test panel round we accept 10 to 20 participants.
Join The Panel
Share your results and receive a FREE product!
Already a big fan?
Are you already using our products and seeing phenomenal results? Cool! We would love to receive your before and after photos, so we can show them to rest of the world. We're eternally grateful to you for sharing these photos, so to thank you for the time and effort you put into making the pictures and sharing them, we would like to send you a FREE product afterwards.
Please send all your content to hello@clayandglow.com or just slide into our Instagram DM.
SEND US YOUR RESULTS!Frequently Asked Questions
I do not live in the Netherlands, can I still join?
Participation to the Test Panel is open for consumers living in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France.
Will I receive a reward after participating?
Yes, there is a reward in the form of products, discount codes, or gift cards. The rewards is determined by Clay And Glow and differs per pannel, the reward will be communicated beforehand with the participants upon selection for the test panel.
Do I get to keep the product after testing?
Yes, you can keep the product after testing.
I signed up but haven't received any more information, why is this?
Thank you for signing up! For every test panel, we look for different people with a different set of criteria. If you fit the selection criteria, you will receive an email to invite you to join the test panel.
How many test panels are there throughout the year?
There are two to five test panels throughout the year.
How will you be using my feedback?
Your feedback will be used to improve the quality and/or packaging of already existing products. In addition, your feedback will be used to gather feedback about products we are currently developing so the product fits the needs of our community. The feedback and before and after pictures you provide, can also be used in for marketing purposes.