
The gold of the Incas is in our Pink Clay Mask

The gold of the Incas is in our Pink Clay Mask

We are so proud that you can find this superfood, black quinoa in our Pink Clay Mask. You can find quinoa in different variants such as: white quinoa, red quinoa and black quinoa. We chose to use black quinoa in our face mask, because it is the most 'earthy' variant. 

Where does black quinoa come from?
Black quinoa is mostly found in the Andean region of Peru, Bolivia and Chile. The black quinoa in our mask is from the 'Altiplano', the high plain of Bolivia. 

FUNNY FACT: Quinoa is called the gold of the Incas, because it was used in ancient times to increase the power of the civilization's warriors. It is also knows as a ''complete protein'', because in quinoa you can find all nine essential amino acids. And now it is The Gold Of The Glow

The benefits of black quinoa
You will not get this nickname by being useless and quinoa proves just that! There are a lot of benefits of (black) quinoa such as:

  • Contains lots of minerals
  • Contains high levels of Vitamin C and E
  • Is very rich in protein
  • Contains fatty acids

  • Benefits for internal use 
    Lots of people eat (black) quinoa because it is a great alternative for vegans and vegetarians that are still looking for their protein intake. But next to that it has lots of benefits such as:

  • Helps with weight loss
  • Protects the heart (because of the soluble fiber)
  • Helps fight diabetes and cancer
  • Promotes longevity (a Bolivian man who was 123 years old said he credits his longevity to a daily diet that includes quinoa)

  • Benefits for external use  
    Next to these amazing ways of benefitting from quinoa for internal use, there are a lot of benefits for external use too:

  • Helps treat age spots and skin pigmentation: the vitamin B in the (black) quinoa helps reducing skin pigmentation. The vitamin B12 in (black) quinoa interact with the other B vitamins to maintain a healthy skin complexion
  • Helps treat impurities: the vitamin B3 in quinoa soothes the red and inflamed (impurities/redness) areas and will help treat impurities. 
  • Delays the aging process: the vitamin A in quinoa helps reduces fine lines and makes your skin look younger. The vitamin B2 improves skin elasticity.
  • Fights free radicals: the antioxidants in the (black) quinoa helps fight the free radicals that are responsible for aging.



    The 'Silent Healer' is also in our Pink Clay Face Mask!
    The 'Silent Healer' is also in our Pink Clay Face Mask!