Clay And Glow launches in Ici Paris XL!

Clay And Glow launches in Ici Paris XL!

Imagine: you are a young ambitious couple and a year after you start your own beauty brand, your products are on the shelves of the most prestigious beauty chain in the Netherlands.

That can only be a dream, right? No, for Clay And Glow this dream has come true because one year after its launch and 3 product launches later, the Dutch cult beauty brand is now exclusively available in all ICI PARIS XL stores in The Netherlands.

After being asked by several large retail parties, founders Julia and Randy undoubtedly chose the beauty retail market leader. Unique in several areas, the products of Clay And Glow were until now only available through their own website, which also makes ICI PARIS XL the first offline point of sale for Clay And Glow.

Julia, founder of Clay And Glow, says about the collaboration: “We were always a customer at ICI PARIS XL ourselves and we believe that they provide good service and are customer-friendly. With us, the customer is also our main focus, and we do not want to lose that feeling at a retailer, so that was the first thing that appealed to us. In addition, the colors, coincidentally (!), Also fit together nicely.''

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OMG! We Won A Dutch Beauty Award!